Lead Generation vs Branding: What's the best for you?

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Brand awareness is introducing yourself to someone and describing what you do.

Lead generation is asking for their email address so you can give them a free estimate.


There isn’t an either/or distinction between the two marketing strategies. Brand awareness and lead generation work together to increase the number of people that eventually buy from you.

What’s important is to know how each one works and how to make them work for you. So in this article, we’ll clearly define both brand awareness and lead generation. Then you’ll see several tactics you can use to become the automatic choice for anyone needing what you buy.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

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Social media is having a huge impact on buyers... We’ve had buyers come and consider a new area that they’ve never looked in belore - directly as the result of social media [on ListingLogic}. I’m also getting really great feedback from people who have seen me on Facebook and Instagram, helping life my profile and sales.

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Rochelle Brinsdon

Licensee Salesperson, Ray White

“I would definitely recommend that other Ray White agents use ‘Be Seen’. One of the biggest reasons is that it’s a completely targeted audience and saves you a lot of time. It’s something that happens in the back end and you don’t have to worry about it. The results speak for themselves’"

Josh Hommelhoff Ray White

Josh Hommelhoff

Ray White Carnegie

“Be Seen has really helped us build our profile. We do both branding campaigns and property campaigns with Be Seen, there’s also a video campaign and a Lead generation campaign. The Lead generation campaign really sets us apart.”

Tamara Lloyd Ray white

Tamara Lloyd - Managing Director

Ray White Croydon

"The evolution of how we market and the impact of how social media is gonna play over the next couple of years, I think we can all agree that it will continue to increase. As today in any of our network that is not as actively involved in social media through [‘Be Seen’] is missing out on a consumable audience”

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Mark McLeod - CEO market share and growth

Ray White

“I think one of the best things about ‘Be Seen’ is that it has enabled Ray White to control its destiny again. In an environment where there are so many competitors trying to get in between us and our client [Be Seen] enables us to communicate directly with our communities. I think it’s a really powerful tool and will enable us collectively to be able to have confidence to the future”

Sam White ray white

Sam White

Ray White

“I’ve been particularly blown away by the responses I have had from Be Seen (powered by Listing Logic). I have measured Be Seen, simply by the number of email enquiries I’m getting from those campaigns. You should definitely give it a try. You’d be absolutely surprised at the engagement you get from your digital campaigns.”

heather walton

Heather Walton

Ray White

“It’s important to cast a wide net when marketing a vendor's property to secure
them the best result, Be Seen does this very well. It’s quick, user friendly, and generates great results."

Grant MClean Ray White

Grant MClean

Ray White Dunedin